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Serie A

A01/2001 On Dicritical Foliations and Halphen Pencils
A02/2001 Vector Fields, Invariant Varieties and Linear Systems
A03/2001 Global Stability for Holomorphic Foliations on Kaehler Manifolds
A04/2001 Genericity of zero Lyapunov exponents
A05/2001 Fers à cheval non uniformément hyperboliques engendrés par une bifurcation homocline et densité nulle des attracteurs
A06/2001 Homoclinic tangencies and fractal invariants in arbitrary dimension
A07/2001 Invariant Hypersurfaces for Positive Characteristic Vector Fields
A08/2001 Multiplicity of invariant algebraic curves and Darboux integrability
A09/2001 Compositions of isometric immersions in higher codimension
A10/2001 Généricité d\exposants de Lyapunov non-nuls pour des produits déterministes de matrices
A100/2001 Huygens\ Principle, Dirac Operators, and Rational Solutions of the AKNS Hierarchy
A101/2001 Uniform (projective) hyperbolicity or no hyperbolicity: a dichotomy for generic conservative maps
A102/2001 On Kummer covers with many rational points over finite fields
A103/2001 Reducibility of Dupin submanifolds
A104/2001 Some results about a bidimensional version of the generalized BO
A105/2001 Genuine deformations of submanifolds
A106/2001 The Volume Algorithm revisited: relation with bundle methods
A107/2001 Lyapunov exponents with multiplicity 1 for deterministic products of matrices
A108/2001 A terrain-following Boussinesq system
A109/2001 Non-periodic bifurcations at the boundary of hyperbolic systems
A11/2001 The dynamics of the Jouanolou foliation on the complex projective 2-space
A110/2001 Non-Monotone Insurance Contracts and their Empirical Consequences
A111/2001 Apparent diffusion due to mountain microstructure in shallow waters
A112/2001 Vetorização e estratégias numéricas na resolução das equações de águas rasas via MATLAB
A113/2001 BMT: A Generic Programming Approach to Multiresolution Spatial Decompositions
A114/2001 Attractors of generic diffeomorphims are persistent
A115/2002 A projected gradient method for vector optimization problems
A116/2002 Inexact variants of the proximal point algorithm without monotonicity
A117/2002 On the convergence properties of the projected gradient method for convex optimization
A118/2002 On uniform convexity, total convexity and convergence of the proximal point and outer Bregman projection algorithms in Banach spaces
A119/2002 Proximal methods with penalization effects in Banach spaces
A12/2001 On the Poincaré problem for foliations of general type
A12/2008 The Role of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Compositional Modeling
A12/2008 The Role of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Compositional Modeling
A120/2002 A simple proof of a Theorem of Halphen and generalizations
A121/2002 Robust transitivity and topological mixing for C^1 flows
A122/2002 Complementarity constraint qualification via the theory of 2-regularity
A123/2002 Superlinearly Convergent Algorithms for Solving Singular Equations and Smooth Reformulations of Complementarity Problems
A124/2002 Infinite Horizon Incomplete Markets: Long-lived Assets, Default and Bubbles.
A125/2002 A global view of dynamics and a conjecture on the denseness of finitude of attractors
A126/2002 Chaotic and complex systems
A127/2002 Homoclinic bifurcations: from Poincaré to present time
A128/2002 Implicit formalism for affine-like map and parabolic composition
A129/2002 Maximal monotonicity, conjugation and the duality product
A13/2001 Renormalization theory for multimodal maps
A13/2008 Non-diffusive combustion waves in insulated porous media
A13/2008 Non-diffusive combustion waves in insulated porous media
A130/2002 A New Proximal-Based Globalization Strategy for the Josephy-Newton Method for Variational Inequalities
A131/2002 On the Cauchy problem for a nonlocal perturbation of the KdV equation
A132/2002 Global Existence for the Critical Generalized KdV Equation
A133/2002 On Schrödinger-Boussinesq Equations
A134/2002 A counterexample to a conjecture on flat bilinear forms
A135/2002 Robust adaptive polygonal approximation of implicit curves
A136/2002 Steam Injection into Water-Saturated Porous Rock
A137/2002 Unique Continuation Principles for some equations of Benjamin-Ono type
A138/2002 On a free boundary problem for a strongly degenerate quasilinear parabolic equation with an application to a model of pressure filtration
A139/2002 Boundary layers in parabolic perturbations of scalar conservation laws
A14/2001 Quasi 4-8 Subdivision
A140/2002 Approximating parametric curves with strip trees using affine arithmetic
A141/2002 Empirically good approximations for the relative neighbourhood graph
A142/2002 Robust approximation of offsets, bisectors, and medial axes of plane curves
A143/2002 Bundle relaxation and primal recovery in unit commitment problems. The brazilian case
A144/2002 An inexact method of partial inverses. Application to Splitting methods.
A145/2002 Normalizations in Lift-and-Project Methods. A view from Convex Analysis
A146/2002 On the relation between U-hessians and second-order epiderivatives
A147/2002 The Lyapunov exponents of generic volume preserving and symplectic systems
A148/2002 Hofer-Zehnder capacity and Hamiltonian circle actions
A149/2002 Periodic orbits for exact magnetic flows on surfaces
A15/2001 An extension of the classical Ribaucour transformation
A150/2002 On the Bi-Hamiltonian Theory for the Harry Dym Equation
A151/2002 Inequalities for numerical invariants of sets of matrices
A152/2002 A quasilinear parabolic system for three-phase capillary flow in porous media
A153/2002 Asymptotic stability of Riemann solutions for a class of multi-D viscous systems of conservation laws.
A154/2002 Robust transitivity implies almost robust ergodicity
A155/2002 Random perturbations and statistical properties of Hénon-like maps
A156/2002 On stabilized point spectra of multivalued systems
A157/2002 Dispersive wave attenuation due to orographic forcing
A158/2002 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker systems: regularity conditions, error bounds and a class of Newton-type methods
A159/2002 Time-reversed refocusing of surface water waves
A16/2001 A practical optimality condition without constraint qualifications for nonlinear programming
A160/2002 On a characterization of certain maximal curves
A161/2002 Bounds on leaves of one-dimensional foliations
A162/2002 On the density of algebraic foliations without algebraic invariant sets
A163/2002 Homoclinic Bifurcations and Uniform Hyperbolicity for Three-dimensional Flows
A164/2002 Non Hyperbolic Persistent Attractors Near the Morse-Smale Boundary
A165/2002 Merit functions and error bounds for generalized variational inequalities
A166/2002 On approximations with finite precision in bundle methods for nonsmooth optimization
A167/2002 On generalized Benjamin type equations
A168/2002 Geometrical versus Topological Properties of Manifolds and a Remark on Poincaré Conjecture
A169/2002 $L^p$-generic cocycles have one-point Lyapunov spectrum
A17/2001 4-8 Subdivision
A170/2002 Capillary Instability in Models for Three-Phase Flow
A171/2002 Oxidation Heat Pulses in Two-Phase Expansive Flow in Porous Media
A172/2002 Well-posedness results for the modified Zakharov- Kuznetsov equation
A173/2002 A Note on Properness and the Jacobian Conjecture in R^2
A174/2002 Integrabilidade de Equações Diferenciais no Plano Complexo
A175/2002 On the Inverse Problem for Scattering of Electromagnetic Radiation by a Periodic Structure.
A176/2002 Three-Dimensional Reconstruction by Chahine\s Method from Electron MicroscopicProjections Corrupted by Instrumental Aberrations.
A177/2002 Almost Periodic Schrödinger Operators Along Interval Exchange Transformations
A178/2002 Injectivity of C^1 maps R^2 -> R^2 at infinity and planar vector fields
A179/2002 On local diffeomorphisms of R^n that are injective
A18/2001 Color Representation: Theory and Techniques
A180/2002 Hilbert Modular Foliations on the Projective Plane
A181/2002 Irreducible components of the space of foliations associated to the affine Lie algebra
A182/2002 C1-generic Pesin\s entropy formula
A183/2002 Exceptional families of foliations and the Poincare\ problem
A184/2002 On Towers of Function Fields of Artin-Schreier Type
A185/2002 Positive quadratic differential forms: topological equivalence through Newton Polyhedra
A186/2003 Robustly expansive homoclinic classes
A187/2002 Abundance of stable ergodicity
A188/2002 Decidability of chaos for some families of dynamical systems
A189/2002 Global Stability of Steady Solutions for a Model in Virus Dynamics
A19/2001 Using Semi-Regular 4-8 Meshes for Subdivision Surfaces
A190/2002 On Optimality Conditions for Cone-Constrained Optimization
A191/2002 Fast mixing for attractors with mostly contracting central direction
A192/2003 Affine arithmetic: concepts and applications
A193/2003 Parametric optimization of hybrid car engines
A194/2003 Primal-Dual Gradient Structured Functions: second-order results;links to epi-derivatives and partly smooth functions
A195/2003 Convergence rate analysis of iteractive algorithms for solving variational inequality problems
A196/2003 Finite branched coverings in a generalized Inverse Mapping Theorem
A197/2003 Interval exchange transformations and foliations on infinite genus two-manifolds
A198/2003 Time reversal for dispersive waves in random media
A199/2003 Differential simplicity in polynomial rings and algebraic independence of power series
A20/2001 The Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of an integral variety of a vector field on projective space
A200/2003 Statistical stability for diffeomorphisms with dominated splitting
A201/2003 Equilibrium States for Random Non-uniformly Expanding Maps
A202/2003 Nonwandering sets with non-empty interior
A203/2003 A higher order nonlinear Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients
A204/2003 Immersions with fractal set of points of zero Gauss-Kronecker curvature
A205/2003 Homoclinic classes for generic C^1 vector fields
A206/2003 A dichotomy for three-dimensional vector fields
A207/2003 Expanding Lorenz attractors through resonant double homoclinic loops
A208/2003 Transitivity and homoclinic classes for singular hyperbolic systems
A209/2003 Lyapunov exponents: How frequently are dynamical systems hyperbolic ?
A21/2001 A Steepest Descent Method for Vector Optimization
A21/2006 Translative Sets and Functions and their Applications to Risk Measure Theory and Nonlinear Separation
A21/2006 Translative Sets and Functions and their Applications to Risk Measure Theory and Nonlinear Separation
A210/2003 Parameter exclusions for Henon-like systems
A211/2003 Sufficient conditions for robustness of attractors
A212/2003 Robust transitive singular sets for 3-flows are partially hyperbolic attractors or repellers
A213/2003 Focal stabilty of Riemann metrics
A214/2003 On focal stability in dimension two
A215/2003 Isometric immersions in codimension two of warped products into space forms
A216/2003 Genuine rigidity of Euclidean submanifolds in codimension two
A217/2003 Pisa lectures on Lyapunov exponents
A218/2003 Asymptotic Stability of Non-Planar Riemann Solutions for a Special Class of Multi-D Systems of Conservation Laws
A219/2003 Topological dimension of singular-hyperbolic attractors
A22/2001 An Inexact Generalized Proximal Point Algorithm in Banach Spaces
A220/2003 Singular-hyperbolic sets and topological dimension
A221/2003 Dynamics beyond uniform hyperbolicity : A global geometric and probabilistic approach
A222/2003 Proximal methods in vector optimization
A223/2003 A tower with non-Galois steps which attains the Drinfeld-Vladut bound
A224/2003 On the classification of analytic differential equations in $(\\Bbb{C}^{2},0)$
A225/2003 Doubly ruled submanifolds in space forms
A226/2003 A remark on capillary surfaces in a 3-dimensional space of constant curvature
A227/2003 On the sequential quadratically constrained quadratic programming methods
A228/2003 Bifurcations of unimodal maps
A229/2003 Phase-parameter relation and sharp statistical properties for general families of unimodal maps
A23/2001 A class of globally convergent algorithms for pseudomonotone variational inequalities
A23/2011 Filtration combustion in wet porous medium
A23/2011 Filtration combustion in wet porous medium
A230/2003 Statistical properties of unimodal maps: physical measures, periodic orbits and pathological laminations
A231/2003 Sums of Cantor sets whose sum of dimensions is close to one
A232/2003 Measuring the degree of pointedness of a closed convex cone: a metric approach
A233/2003 A strongly convergent Hybrid Proximal method in Banach spaces
A234/2003 O trabalho de Ennio De Giorgi sobre o problema de Plateau
A235/2003 Cyclic Maximal Left Ideals of the Weyl Algebra A_2(K): An Effective Approach.
A236/2003 d-simple rings and principal maximal ideals of the Weyl algebra
A237/2003 Simple Shamsuddin Derivations of K[X_1,...,X_n] and cyclic maximal left ideals of the Weyl algebra A_n(K)
A238/2003 Projective Splitting Methods for Pairs of Monotone Operators
A239/2003 Spatially Periodic Solutions in Relativistic Isentropic Gas Dynamics
A24/2001 Error bounds for 2-regular mappings with Lipschitzian derivatives and their applications
A24/2006 The $r$-stability of Hypersurfaces with Zero\nThe $r$-stability of Hypersurfaces with Zero Gauss-Kronecker Curvature
A24/2006 The $r$-stability of Hypersurfaces with Zero The $r$-stability of Hypersurfaces with Zero Gauss-Kronecker Curvature
A24/2011 Analysis of in-situ combustion of oil with pyrolysis and vaporization
A24/2011 Analysis of in-situ combustion of oil with pyrolysis and vaporization
A240/2003 A refinement of the Hofer-Zehnder theorem on the existence of closed trajectories near a hypersurface
A241/2003 Hofer-Zehnder capacity of standard cotangent bundles
A242/2003 Hofer-Zehnder semicapacity of cotangent bundles and symplectic submanifolds
A243/2003 Residues of Holomorphic Foliations Relative to a General Submanifold
A244/2003 A pasting lemma and some applications for conservative systems
A245/2003 On the holonomy group of algebraic curves invariant by holomorphic foliations
A246/2003 Existence and Stability of Periodic Travelling-Wave Solutions of the Benjamin Equation
A247/2003 Automorphisms and Non-integrability
A248/2003 Robustness of Time Reversal for Waves in Time-dependent Random Media
A249/2003 Shock structure due to stochastic forcing and the time reversal of nonlinear waves
A25/2001 Parallel variable distribution for constrained optimization
A250/2003 Time reversing solitary waves
A251/2003 Initial boundary value problems for a quasilinear parabolic system in three-phase capillary flow in porous media
A252/2003 Quandles at Finite Temperatures III
A253/2003 The Knot Group and the Fundamental Group of the Embedding 3-Manifold
A254/2003 Singular-hyperbolic attractors with handlebody basins
A255/2003 Ill-Posedness for the Benney System
A256/2003 A class of active-set Newton methods for mixed complementarity problems
A257/2003 On real Kaehler Euclidean submanifolds with non--negative Ricci curvature
A258/2003 Spatial Analyticity of Solutions of a Nonlocal Perturbation of the KdV Equation
A259/2003 The Bernoulli property for weakly hyperbolic systems
A26/2001 Relaxed Steepest Descent and Cauchy-Barzilai-Borwein Method
A260/2003 Radially Symmetric Weak Solutions for a Quasilinear Wave Equation in Two Space Dimensions
A261/2003 Pointedness, connectedness and convergence results in the space of closed convex cones
A262/2003 Maximal entropy measures for Viana maps
A263/2003 On the Cauchy problem for a coupled system of KdV equations
A264/2003 Well-Posedness for the Schrödinger-Debye Equation
A265/2003 On Halphen\s theorem and some generalizations
A266/2003 Curvature of pencils of foliations
A267/2003 A local and global splitting result for real Kaehler Euclidean submanifolds
A268/2004 Dynamic Properties of Minimal Algorithms for Coevolution
A269/2004 Stiff microscale forcing and solitary wave refocusing
A27/2001 Collateral Avoids Ponzi Schemes in Incomplete Markets
A27/2006 Modulus of analytic classification for unfoldings of resonant diffeomorphisms
A270/2004 Newton-type methods for optimization problems without constraint qualifications
A271/2004 Existence results for the Yamabe problem on manifolds with boundary
A272/2004 A priori estimates for the Yamabe problem in the non-locally conformally flat case
A273/2004 An infeasible bundle method for nonsmooth convex constrained optimization without a penalty function or a filter
A274/2004 Complete real Kähler Euclidean hypersurfaces are cylinders
A275/2004 Matrix Bispectrality and Huygens\ Principle for Dirac Operators
A276/2004 An explicit tower of function fields over cubic finite fields and Zink\s lower bound
A277/2004 Contracting Lorenz attractors through resonant double homoclinic loops
A278/2004 There are singular hyperbolic flows without spectral decomposition
A279/2004 Parameter-shifted shadowing property for geometric Lorenz attractors
A28/2001 Complex bounds for multimodal maps: bounded combinatorics
A280/2004 On towers of function fields over finite fields
A281/2004 On ramification and genus of recursive towers
A282/2004 Numerical results for a globalized active-set Newton method for mixed complementarity problems
A283/2004 Relating U-Lagrangians to Second-order Epi-derivatives and Proximal-tracks
A284/2004 VU-Smoothness and Proximal Point Results for Some Nonconvex Functions
A285/2004 Endogenous Collateral
A286/2004 On Curves over Finite Fields
A287/2004 Towards a classification of recursive towers of function fields over finite fields
A289/2004 On the continuity of the SRB entropy for endomorphisms
A29/2001 Secants, tangents and the homogeneity of Freudenthal varieties of certain type
A290/2004 The eddy viscosity for time reversing waves in an irreversible environment
A291/2004 Topological Classification of Multiple Saddle Connections
A292/2004 Dynamical Properties of Singular Hyperbolic Attractors
A293/2004 Some recollections of René Thom
A294/2004 A class of decomposition methods for convex optimization and monotone variational inclusions via the hybrid inexact proximal point framework
A295/2004 Fonctions et Feuilletages Levi-flat. Étude Locale
A296/2004 Dynamic Bundle Methods. Application to Combinatorial Optimization
A297/2004 Statistical stability of saddle-node arcs
A298/2004 Forward limit sets of singularities for the Lozi family
A299/2004 A Model of Mixed Signals with Applications to Countersignaling and the GED
A3/2005 The inverse problem of determining the permeability reduction in flow of water with particles in porous media
A3/2005 The inverse problem of determining the permeability reduction in flow of water with particles in porous media
A3/2005 The inverse problem of determining the permeability reduction in flow of water with particles in porous media
A3/2005 The inverse problem of determining the permeability reduction in flow of water with particles in porous media
A30/2001 Medial Axes and Mean Curvature Motion II: Singularities
A300/2004 Do dividends signal more earnings?
A301/2004 A VU-algorithm for convex minimization
A302/2004 Mathematical programs with complementarity constraints: regularity, optimality comditions, and sensitivity.
A303/2004 Primal error bounds based on the augmented Lagrangian and Lagrangian relaxation algorithms
A304/2004 On the controllability and stabilization of \nthe linearized Benjamin-Ono equation
A305/2004 Solving the Unit Commitment Problem of Hydropower Plants via Lagrangian Relaxation and Sequential Quadratic Programming
A306/2004 Complete real Kahler submanifolds in codimension two
A307/2004 On Finite Racks and Quandles
A308/2004 Existence of Global Attractors for a Class of Nonlinear Dissipative Evolution Equations
A309/2004 Physical measures at the boundary of hyperbolic maps
A309/2005 Physical measures at the boundary of hyperbolic maps
A31/2001 Statistical stability for robust classes of maps with non-uniform expansion
A310/2004 On codimension one foliations with Morse singularities
A311/2004 Semicontinuity of entropy, existence ofequilibrium states and of physical measures
A312/2004 An extension of a theorem of Serrin to graphs in warped products
A313/2004 Kähler Manifolds with Split Tangent Bundle
A314/2004 Fibrations, Divisors and Transcendental Leaves
A315/2004 On the height of foliated surfaces with vanishing Kodaira dimension
A316/2004 Algebraic Reduction Theorem for complex codimension one singular foliations
A317/2004 A note on solution sensitivity for Karush-Kuhn-Tucker systems
A318/2004 Axiomatization of the index of pointedness for closed convex cones
A319/2004 On certain subcovers of the Hermitian curve
A32/2001 Computation of the Jordan normal form of a matrix using versal deformations
A32/2013 Recovery of light oil by medium temperature oxidation
A320/2004 Dual convergence of the proximal point method with Bregman distances for linear programming
A321/2004 On certain conditions for the existence of soultions of equilibrium problems
A322/2004 On pairs of vectors achieving the maximal angle of a convex cone
A323/2004 The compactified Picard scheme of the compactified Jacobian
A324/2004 Rational curves of minimal degree and characterizations of ${\\mathbb P}^n$
A325/2004 Rationally connected varieties
A326/2004 Asymptotics for the genus and the number of rational places in towers of function fields over a finite field
A327/2004 Huygens\ Principle for Hyperbolic Operators and Integrable Hierarchies
A328/2004 Physical measures for infinite-modal maps
A329/2004 Some Artin-Schreier towers are easy
A33/2001 A note on learning chaotic sunspot equilibrium
A330/2004 Partial Hyperbolicity for Symplectic Diffeomorphisms
A331/2004 Power Crust for Noisy Data
A332/2004 Asymptotic nonlinear wave modeling through the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator
A333/2004 Complete time-reversed refocusing in reflection with an acoustic lagrangian model
A334/2004 Nonlinear evolution of surface gravity waves over highly variable depth
A335/2004 Isolating the atrial component from ECG and MCG recordings of periodic tachyarrhythmias
A336/2004 Matrix Bispectrality and Huygens\ Principle for Dirac Operators
A337/2004 Three-Dimensional Reconstruction by Chahine\s Method from Electron Microscopic Projections Corrupted by Instrumental Aberrations
A338/2004 Sensitivity Analysis of Stable and Unstable Manifolds: Theory and Application
A339/2004 A note on M. Soares\ bounds
A34/2001 A formula with some aplications to the theory of Lyapunov exponents
A340/2004 Monotone operators representable by l.s.c. convex functions
A341/2004 A Note on solutions to a model for long \ninternal waves in a rotating fluid
A342/2004 On a Degenerate Zakharov System
A343/2004 A Geometric Approach to the Weighting Method Scalarization in Vector Optimization
A344/2004 Smooth surface reconstruction using tensor fields as structuring elements
A345/2004 Sufficient conditions for robustly minimal foliations
A346/2004 Topics on homoclinic bifurcation, dominated splitting, robust transitivity and related results
A347/2004 On the dynamics of dominated splitting
A348/2004 Iterative-Sequential Solution of Compressible Three-phase flow in Porous Media
A349/2004 Wave Sequences For Solid Fuel In-Situ Combustion in Porous Media
A35/2001 Autoduality of the compactified Jacobian
A35/2006 Hydrodynamic limit for the simple exclusion profess on non-homogeneous graphs
A35/2006 Hydrodynamic limit for the simple exclusion profess on non-homogeneous graphs
A350/2004 Continuous Q1-Q1 Stokes elements stabilized with non-conforming null edge average velocity functions
A351/2004 Maximum Norm Stability of Difference Schemes for Parabolic Equations on Overset Non-Matching Space-Time Grids
A352/2004 Permeability Hysteresis in Gravity Counterflow Segregation
A353/2005 A microscopic model for Stefan\s melting and freezing problem
A354/2005 Current fluctuations in stochastic lattice gases
A355/2004 Density of hyperbolicity and homoclinic bifurcation for 3D-diffeomorphism in attracting regions.
A355/2004 Density of hyperbolicity and homoclinic bifurcation for 3D-diffeomorphism in attracting regions.
A356/2004 Fluctuations in the weakly asymmetric exclusionprocess with open boundary conditions
A356/2005 Fluctuations in the weakly asymmetric exclusionprocess with open boundary conditions
A357/2005 Gaussian estimates for symmetric simple exclusion processes
A358/2005 Nonequilibrium Central Limit Theorem for a Tagged Particle in Symmetric Simple Exclusion
A359/2005 Poincaré and Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality for Ginzburg-Landau Processes in Random Environment
A36/2001 Transformation Groups of Holomorphic Foliations
A360/2005 Superdiffusivity of two dimensional lattice gas models
A361/2005 The trade-off between incentives and endogenous risk
A362/2005 Motion of vortices implies chaos in Bohmian mechanics
A363/2005 Discretization via Homogenization Theory for Elliptic Equations with Rapidly Oscillating Periodic Coefficients
A363/2006 Numerical Boundary Corrector For Elliptic Equations with Rapidly Oscillating Periodic Coefficients
A363/2006 Numerical Boundary Corrector For Elliptic Equations with Rapidly Oscillating Periodic Coefficients
A364/2005 Hausdorff Dimension for Non-Hyperbolic Repellers II: DA Diffeomorphisms
A365/2005 The cone of effective divisors of log varieties after Batyrev
A366/2005 Warped product structure of submanifolds with nonpositive extrinsic curvature in space forms
A367/2005 Pure Strategy Equilibria of Multidimensional and Non-Monotonic Auctions
A368/2005 Pure Strategy Equilibria of Single and Double Auctions with Interdependent Values
A369/2005 Uniqueness of constant mean curvature surfaces properly immersed in a slab
A37/2001 Decay of Almost Periodic Solutions of Conservation Laws
A370/2005 Bernstein-type results in M^2 x R
A371/2005 Robustly expansive codimension-one homoclinic classes are hyperbolic
A372/2005 Time reversal refocusing for point source in randomly layered media
A373/2005 Metric stability for random walks (with applications in renormalization theory)
A374/2005 On non-enlargeable and fully enlargeable monotone operators
A375/2005 Computing the radius of pointedness of a convex cone
A376/2005 Finite Difference Schemes with Cross Derivatives Correctors for Multidimensional Parabolic Systems
A377/2005 On local convergence of sequential quadratically-constrained quadratic-programming type methods, with an extension to variational problems
A378/2005 Pseudo-orbit shadowing in the $C^1$ topology
A379/2005 Generic diffeomorphisms on compact surfaces
A38/2001 Discrete Scale Spaces
A380/2005 Global dominated splittings and the $C^1$ Newhouse phenomenon
A381/2005 Asymptotic stability of Riemann solutions in BGK approximations to certain multidimensional systems of conservation laws
A382/2005 Multiscale Young Measures in Almost Periodic Homogenization and Applications
A383/2005 Existence and uniqueness of maximizing measures for robust classes of local diffeomorphisms
A384/2005 Almost all cocycles over any hyperbolic system have non-vanishing Lyapunov exponents
A385/2005 Simple adaptive mosaic effects
A386/2005 The implementation of Lua 5.0
A387/2005 A new condition characterizing solutions of variational inequality problems
A388/2005 Constant mean curvature hypersurfaces in warped product spaces
A388/2005 Constant mean curvature hypersurfaces in warped product spaces
A388/2005 Constant mean curvature hypersurfaces in warped product spaces
A389/2005 On the Galois closure of towers
A39/2001 Endogenous Collateral: Arbitrage and Equilibrium without Bounded Short Sales
A39/2007 On the susceptibility function of piecewise expanding interval maps
A39/2007 On the susceptibility function of piecewise expanding interval maps
A390/2005 Normal geodesic graphs of constant mean curvature
A391/2005 The vectorial Ribaucour transformation for submanifolds and applications
A392/2005 Dynamics in the moduli space of Abelian differentials
A393/2005 Simplicity of Lyapunov spectra: proof of the Zorich-Kontsevich conjecture
A394/2005 A fast inverse solver for the filtration function for flow in porous media
A395/2005 The inverse problem of determining the filtration function and permeability reduction in flow of water with particles in porous media
A396/2005 The evolution of Lua
A397/2005 Local and global well-posedness for the Ostrovsky equation
A398/2005 Searching for critical angles in a convex cone
A399/2005 Rough solutions for the periodic Schrödinger - Korteweg-deVries system
A40/2001 Bundle Bispectrality for Matrix Differential Equations
A400/2005 On unramified coverings of maximal curves
A401/2005 Global well-posedness for a NLS-KdV system on T
A402/2005 Examples and structure of CMC surfaces in some Riemannian and Lorentzian homogeneous spaces
A403/2005 A maximal curve which is not a Galois subcover of the Hermitian curve
A404/2005 On the periodic Schrodinger-Debye equation
A405/2005 Affine Skeletons and Monge-Ampère Equations
A405/2007 Affine Skeletons and Monge-Ampère Equations
A406/2005 Topological Mesh Operators
A407/2005 Robust visualization of strange attractors using affine arithmetic
A408/2005 High amplitude solutions for small data in systems of two conservation laws that change type
A409/2005 Neumann problems for quasilinear parabolic systems modelling polydisperse suspensions
A41/2001 On two questions for Hybrid Proximal Point methods allowing for constant relative errors.
A410/2005 On Inverse Doping Profile Problems for the Voltage-Current Map.
A411/2005 On the Asymptotics of Fast Mean-Reversion Stochastic Volatility Models.
A412/2005 Asymptotic Behavior of Stochastic Volatility Models.
A413/2005 Inverse Problems in Finances: A Short Survey on Calibration Techniques.
A414/2005 Maps of Convex Sets in Hilbert Spaces
A415/2005 Singularites Nilpotentes et Integrales Premieres
A416/2005 Expanding maps of the circle rerevisited: Positive Lyapunov exponents in a rich family
A417/2005 Heterodimensional tangencies
A418/2005 On the density of hyperbolicity and homoclinic bifurcations for 3D-diffeomorphism in attracting regions
A419/2005 On the exponential decay of the critical generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation with localized damping
A42/2001 The intermittency route to chaotic dynamics
A420/2005 Singular hyperbolic attractors are chaotic
A421/2005 Notes on Boussinesq equation
A422/2005 Vortex interaction, chaos and quantum probabilities
A423/2005 Well-Posedness for the Schrödinger-Korteweg-de Vries System
A424/2005 Density of hyperbolicity and tangencies in sectional dissipative regions
A425/2005 Hermitian star products are completely positive deformations
A426/2005 Completely positive inner products and strong Morita equivalence
A427/2005 Generalizing symmetries in symplectic geometry
A428/2005 Dirac structures, moment maps and quasi-Poisson manifolds
A429/2005 Poisson geometry and Morita equivalence
A43/2001 On Huygens\ Principle for Dirac Operators and Nonlinear Evolution Equations.
A430/2006 A Theorem of Hopf and the Cauchy-Riemann Inequality
A431/2006 The Riemann Solution of the Balance Equations for Steam and Water Flow in a Porous Medium
A432/2006 Density of hyperbolicity and homoclinic bifurcations for attracting topologically hyperbolic sets
A433/2006 Some maximal function fields and additive polynomials
A433/2006 Some maximal function fields and additive polynomials
A434/2006 Kantorovich\s Majorants Principle for Newton\s Method
A436/2006 Explicit equations for curves over finite fields with many rational points
A437/2006 On convex cones with infinitely many critical angles
A438/2006 On the well-posedness of entropy solutions to conservation laws with a zero-flux boundary condition
A439/2006 Proximal point methods in Banach spaces without monotonicity
A44/2001 Tangent Graeffe Iteration
A440/2006 Maximal Oil Recovery by Simultaneous Condensation of Alkane and Steam
A441/2006 Hyperbolicity singularities in rarefaction waves
A442/2006 Analysis of Nitrogen and Steam Injection in a Porous Medium with Water
A443/2006 Dual-family viscous schock waves in n conservation laws with application to multi-phase flow in porous media
A444/2006 On Yamabe constants of Riemannian products
A445/2006 Convergence Analysis for the Numerical Boundary Corrector for Elliptic Equations with Rapidly Oscillating Coefficients
A445/2006 Convergence Analysis for the Numerical Boundary Corrector for Elliptic Equations with Rapidly Oscillating Coefficients
A445/2006 Convergence Analysis for the Numerical Boundary Corrector for Elliptic Equations with Rapidly Oscillating Coefficients
A445/2006 Convergence Analysis for the Numerical Boundary Corrector for Elliptic Equations with Rapidly Oscillating Coefficients
A446/2006 Non-Uniformly Hyperoblic Horseshoes Arising from Bifurcations of Poincaré Heteroclinic Cycles
A447/2006 On the well-posedness of entropy solutions to conservation laws with a zero-flux boundary condition
A448/2006 On the topology of positively curved Bazaikin spaces
A449/2006 The Riemann solution for the injection of steam and nitrogen in a porous medium
A45/2001 Sólitons: Na Crista da Onda por mais de 100 Anos
A45/2007 Linear response formula for piecewise expanding unimodal maps
A45/2007 Linear response formula for piecewise expanding unimodal maps
A450/2006 Periodic pulses of coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations in optics
A451/2006 Convergence of iterated Aluthge transform sequence for diagonalizable matrices
A452/2006 Block iterative algorithms for the solution of parabolic optimal control problems
A453/2006 Robust Two-Level Lower-Order Preconditioners for a Higher-Order Stokes
A454/2006 Operating enlargements of monotone operators: new connections with convex functions
A455/2006 Fast decay of correlations of equilibrium states of open classes of non-uniformly expanding maps and potentials
A456/2006 A Neumann-Neumann method for DG discretization of elliptic problems
A457/2006 Partition of Unity Coarse Spaces and Schwarz Methods with Harmonic Overlap
A459/2006 Dynamics of two dimensional Blaschke products.
A46/2001 Hausdorff dimension of non-hyperbolic repellers I: Maps with holes
A460/2006 Lyapunov exponents and strange attractors
A461/2006 Ergodic theory of interval exchange maps
A462/2006 Geometrie et Dynamique des Surfaces Plates
A463/2006 On Abel maps of stable curves
A464/2006 Robust adaptive meshes for implicit surfaces
A465/2006 Hardware-assisted rendering of CSG models
A466/2006 Isolated singularities of solutions to the Yamabe equation
A467/2006 Conformal deformations to scalar-flat metrics with constant mean curvature on the boundary
A468/2006 Blaschke\s problem for hypersurfaces
A469/2006 Simplicity of Lyapunov spectra: a sufficient criterion
A47/2001 A Construction of Curves over Finite Fields
A470/2006 Analysis of block matrix preconditioners for elliptic optimal control problems
A471/2006 Non-Matching Mortar Discretization Analysis for the Coupling Stokes-Darcy Equations
A472/2006 Orbifold fibrations of Eschenburg spaces
A473/2006 Integrability on codimension one dominated splitting
A474/2006 Ambiguity through Confidence Functions
A475/2006 The Dirichlet problem for CMC surfaces in Heisenberg space
A476/2006 From hyperbolicity to dominated splitting
A477/2006 Chaotic Period Doubling
A478/2006 Global Hyperbolicity of Renormalization for C^r Unimodal Maps
A479/2006 Block Diagonal Parareal Preconditioner for Parabolic Optimal Control Problems
A479/2007 Block Diagonal Parareal Preconditioner for Parabolic Optimal Control Problems
A48/2001 On Tame Towers of Function Fields and the Drinfeld-Vladut bound
A480/2006 Balancing Domain Decomposition Methods for Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations
A481/2006 A Robust Preconditioner for the Hessian System in Elliptic Optimal Control Problems
A482/2006 Minimal convex functions bounded below by the duality product
A483/2006 Jets of singular foliations
A484/2006 Tangences homoclines stables pour des ensembles hyperboliques de grande dimension fractale
A485/2006 Killing graphs with prescribed mean curvature
A486/2006 Asymptotic behavior of the Korteweg-de Vries equation
A487/2006 Towards a Generalization of Dupire\s Equation for Several Assets
A488/2006 Bi-Hamiltonian Aspects of a Matrix Harry Dym Hierarchy
A489/2006 Inverse Problems for Semiconductors: Models and Methods
A49/2001 On Tame Towers over Finite Fields
A490/2006 Mathematical Modelling and Parameter Estimation of the Serra da Mesa Basin.
A491/2006 On the Inverse Problem for a Size-Structured Population Model
A492/2006 Sharp bilinear estimates and well-posedness for the 1-D Schrödinger-Debye equation
A493/2006 Lyapunov exponents of Teichmüller flows
A494/2006 On the Generic Rank of the Baum-Bott Map
A495/2006 Complex Codimension one Singular Foliations and Godbillon-Vey Sequences
A496/2006 On planar webs with infinitesimal automorphisms
A497/2006 Transversely Projective Foliations on Surfaces: Existence of Minimal Form and Prescription of Monodromy
A497/2007 Transversely Projective Foliations on Surfaces: Existence of Minimal Form and Prescription of Monodromy
A498/2006 Stability of Foliations with Split Tangent Sheaf
A499/2006 Measures of pseudorandomness for finite sequences: typical values
A499/2007 Measures of pseudorandomness for finite sequences: typical values
A50/2001 Periodic Solutions of Conservation Laws Constructed Through Glimm Scheme
A500/2007 The eddy viscosity for gravity waves propagating over turbulent surfaces
A501/2006 Improved Boussinesq-Type Equations for Highly-Variable Depth ∗
A501/2007 Improved Boussinesq-Type Equations for Highly-Variable Depth ?
A502/2007 The Complexity of Stoquastic Local Hamiltonian Problems
A503/2007 Efficient Generation of Generic Entanglement
A504/2007 The Onset of Dominance in Balls-in-Bins Processes with Feedback
A505/2007 Balls-in-bins with feedback and Brownian Motion
A506/2007 On the limit of families of algebraic subvarieties with unbounded volume
A507/2007 Special ramification loci on the double product of a general curve
A508/2007 Limits of special Weierstrass points
A509/2007 Global well-posedness and non-linear stability of periodic travelling waves solutions for a Schrödinger-Benjamin-Ono system
A51/2001 Dynamical Systems: moving into the next century
A51/2008 A Franks\ lemma that preserves invariant manifolds
A51/2008 A Franks\ lemma that preserves invariant manifolds
A510/2007 Critical points for surface diffeomorphisms
A511/2007 Constant mean curvature graphs in a class of warped product spaces
A512/2007 Reduction of Courant algebroids and generalized complex structures
A513/2007 Generalized Kaehler and hyper-Kaehler quotients
A514/2007 Angular analysis of two classes of non-polyhedral convex cones: the point of view of optimization theory
A515/2007 Effective behavior of solitary waves over random topography
A516/2007 Nonlinear waves over highly variable topography
A517/2007 Numerical simulation of injectivity loss in stratified reservoirs
A518/2007 Q-groupoids and their cohomology
A518/2007 Q-groupoids and their cohomology
A519/2007 Q-algebroids and their cohomology
A52/2001 Ill-posedness for the derivative Schrödinger and generalized Benjamin-Ono equations
A520/2007 Critical points for surface maps and the Benedicks-Carleson theorem
A521/2007 Hydrodynamic Limit for a Particle System with degenerate rates
A522/2007 A heuristic method for region reconstruction from noisy samples
A523/2007 Normality and modulability indices. Part I: Convex cones in normed spaces
A524/2007 Normality and modulability indices. Part II: convex cones in Hilbert spaces
A525/2007 On the convergence to equilibrium of Kac\s random walk on matrices
A526/2007 A new proof for maximal monotonicity of subdifferential operators
A527/2007 A proximal point method for equilibrium problems in Hilbert spaces
A528/2007 A new tower over cubic finite fields
A529/2007 Time reversal of waves in a perturbed random medium
A53/2001 Curves over Finite Fields attaining the Hasse-Weil upper bound
A530/2007 Inexact proximal point methods for equilibrium problems in Banach spaces
A531/2007 Thermodynamical formalism for robust classes of potentials and non-uniformly hyperbolic maps
A533/2007 Homogeneous commuting vector fields on $\\C^2$.
A533/2007 Homogeneous commuting vector fields on $\\C^2$.
A534/2007 Completely Reducible Hypersurfaces in a Pencil
A535/2007 On the degree of polar transformations
A536/2007 On the Rigidity of Certain Holomorphic Fibrations
A537/2007 Algebraization of Codimension one Webs [after Trepreau, Henaut, Pirio, Robert,...]
A538/2007 Optimal Left and Right Additive Schwarz Preconditioning for Minimal Residual Methods with Euclidean and Energy Norms
A539/2007 Restricted Overlapping Balancing Domain Decomposition\nMethods and Restricted Coarse Problems for the Helmholtz Problem
A54/2001 Bankruptcy in a Model of Unsecured Claims
A540/2007 BDDC methods for discontinuous Galerkin discretization of elliptic\n problems
A541/2007 Stochastic Galerkin method for elliptic SPDEs: A white noise\n approach
A542/2007 Newton\s Method for Multiobjective Optimization
A543/2007 Mixed Hodge structure of affine hypersurfaces
A543/2007 Mixed Hodge structure of affine hypersurfaces
A544/2007 The infinitesimal 16th Hilbert problem in dimension zero
A544/2007 The infinitesimal 16th Hilbert problem in dimension zero
A545/2007 A reduced model for internal waves interacting with topography at intermediate depth
A546/2007 Blow-up examples for the Yamabe Problem
A547/2007 General Projective Splitting Methods for Sums of Maximal
A548/2007 Cohomological characterizations of projective spaces and hyperquadrics
A549/2007 Oversegmentation control for inexact graph matching: first results
A55/2001 A general Lagrangian approach for non-concave moral hazard problems
A550/2007 Antipoldality in convex cones and distance to unpointedness
A551/2007 The EM algorithm for ill-posed integral equations: a convergence analysis
A552/2007 Frobenius theorem for foliations on singular varieties
A553/2007 On additive polynomials and certain maximal curves
A554/2007 Some remarks on the Hasse-Arf theorem
A555/2007 An optimal Boussinesq model for shallow water wave-microstructure interaction
A556/2007 Certain maximal curves and Cartier operators
A557/2007 Antipodal pairs, criticial pairs and Nash angular equilibria in convex cones
A558/2007 Pure Spinors on Lie groups
A559/2007 Killing graphs with prescribed mean curvature and Riemannian submersions
A56/2001 Adverse selection problems without the Spence-Mirrlees condition
A56/2008 Time reversal for inclusion detection in randomly layered media
A56/2008 Time reversal for inclusion detection in randomly layered media
A560/2007 Dirac geometry, quasi-Poisson actions and D/G-valued moment maps
A561/2007 All superconformal surfaces in R^4 in terms of minimal surfaces
A562/2007 Scalable GPU rendering of CSG models
A563/2007 FETI and BDD Preconditioners for Stokes-Mortar-Darcy Systems
A564/2007 Newhouse phenomena and homoclinic class
A565/2007 Lyapunov stable chain recurrent class
A566/2007 $\\L1$ Stability of Spatially Periodic Solutions in Relativistic Gas Dynamics
A567/2007 Submanifolds of codimension two attaining equality
A569/2007 Vanishing viscosity with short wave long wave interactions for systems of conservation laws
A57/2001 Complete hypersurfaces in Euclidean spaces with vanishing r-mean curvatures
A570/2007 The iterated Aluthge transforms of a matrix converge
A571/2007 A Continuous Bowen-Mañé Type Phenomenon
A572/2007 Vortex dynamics and their interactions in quantum trajectories
A573/2007 The Riemann solution for thermal flows with mass transfer between phases
A574/2007 C* actions on Stein manifolds
A574/2007 C* actions on Stein manifolds
A575/2007 Moduli of Polarized Hodge Structures
A576/2007 Augmented Lagrangian methods for equilibrium problems
A577/2007 A Stochastic Approach for Multiresolution of Solid Ob jects with Topological Control
A579/2007 Dicritical holomorphic flows on Stein manifolds
A58/2001 A remark on maximal curves and unramified coverings
A580/2008 Courant morphisms and moment maps
A581/2008 A level set method for the Mumford-Shah functional and fracture
A582/2008 Polynomial ODES with many real ovals in the same complex solution
A583/2008 A generalization of the Giulietti-Korchmaros maximal curve
A584/2008 Existence, uniqueness and stability of equilibrium states for non-uniformly expanding maps
A585/2008 Analysis of Block Parareal Preconditioners for Parabolic Optimal Control Problems
A586/2008 A note on the Giulietti-Korchmáros maximal curve
A587/2008 Aproximating Infinity-Dimensional Stochastic Darcy\s Equations without Uniform Ellipticity
A588/2008 Hyperbolicity singularities in rarefaction waves
A589/2008 Local and Global Solutions for the nonlinear Schrodinger-Boussinesq System
A59/2001 On the Geometry of Graeffe Iteration
A590/2008 Local Solutions in Sobolev Spaces and Unconditional Well-Posedness for the Generalized Boussinesq Equation
A591/2008 An existence result for equilibrium problems with some surjectivity consequences
A593/2008 The Classification of Exceptional CDQL Webs on Compact Complex Surfaces
A594/2008 Stability of foliations induced by rational maps
A595/2008 Identifying quadric bundle structures on complex projective varieties
A596/2008 Multiscale Young Measures in Homogenization of Continuous Stationary Processes in Compact Spaces and Applications
A597/2008 Isometric rigidity in codimension two
A598/2008 Revealing Incomplete Financial Markets
A599/2008 Variational Bewley Preferences
A60/2001 An interior point method for constrained saddle point problems
A600/2008 Projective limit cycles
A601/2008 Korpelevich\s method for variational inequality problem in Banach spaces
A602/2008 The Riemann problem for compositional flows in porous media with mass transfer between phases
A603/2008 Two-Dimensional Blaschke products: Degree growth and ergodic consequences
A605/2008 Cocycles over partially hyperbolic maps
A606/2008 Extremal Lyapunov exponents: an invariance principle and applications
A607/2008 Hyperbolic dynamical systems
A608/2008 Invariant measures for interval maps with critical points and singularities
A609/2008 Convergence of direct methods for paramonotone variational inequalities
A61/2001 Augmented Lagrangian methods for cone constrained convex optimization in Banach spaces
A610/2008 A primal dual modified subgradient algorithm with sharp Lagrangian
A611/2008 A strongly convergent direct method for monotone variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces
A612/2008 There are no C^1-stable intersections of regular Cantor sets
A612/2008 There are no C^1-stable intersections of regular Cantor sets
A613/2008 Lax shocks in mixed-type systems of conservation laws
A614/2008 Pinball billiards with dominated splitting
A615/2008 Large Viscous Solutions for Small Data in Systems of Conservation Laws that Change Type
A616/2008 Counterexamples to Calabi conjectures on minimal hypersurfaces cannot be proper
A617/2008 Conformal Killing graphs with prescribed mean curvature
A618/2008 Helicoidal graphs with prescribed mean curvature
A619/2008 The holomorphic Gauss Parametrization
A62/2001 Convexity of vector valued mappings
A620/2008 Topological Resolution of Riemann Problems for Pairs of Conservation Laws
A621/2008 A higher-order internal wave model accounting for large bathymetric variations
A622/2009 Distances between closed and convex cones: old and new results.
A623/2009 Linear and multiplicative 2-forms
A624/2009 An explicit algorithm for monotone variational inequalities
A625/2009 C^k -Robust Transitivity for Surfaces with Boundary
A626/2009 Geometric properties of the Markov and Lagrange spectra
A626/2009 Geometric properties of the Markov and Lagrange spectra
A627/2009 Homogenization of Nonlinear PDE\s in the Fourier-Stieltjes Algebras
A63/2001 Extension of subgradient techniques for nonsmooth optimization in Banach spaces
A630/2009 A note on a maximal curve
A631/2009 Polarized minimal families of rational curves and higher Fano manifolds
A632/2009 Simplicial Diffeomorphisms
A633/2009 Vanishing viscosity with short wave long wave interactions for multi-D scalar conservation laws
A634/2009 Neumann-Neumann methods for a DG discretization of elliptic problems\nwith discontinuous coefficients on\ngeometrically nonconforming substructures
A635/2009 A structural theorem for codimension one foliations on $\\mathbb{P}^n$, $n\\ge3$, with an application to degree three foliations.
A636/2009 Subdivision curves on surfaces with arc-length control
A637/2009 Semismooth Newton method for the lifted reformulation of mathematical programs with complementarity constraints
A638/2009 A combinatorial proof of Marstrand\s Theorem for products of regular Cantor sets
A639/2009 Global stability for a class of virus models with CTL immune response and antigenic variation
A64/2001 Fibered Embeddings of Curves into Surfaces
A640/2009 Strategic Investment Decisions under Fast Mean-Reversion Stochastic Volatility
A641/2009 On the Dynamics of Certain Models Describing the HIV Infection
A642/2009 Homogenization of multi-specie reaction-diffusion systems in domains with rough boundaries.
A643/2009 Iterative Regularization Methods for a Discrete Inverse Problem in MRI
A644/2009 Real Option Pricing with Mean-Reverting Investment and Project Value (Extended Version)
A645/2009 Real Option Pricing with Mean-Reverting Investment and Project Value.
A646/2009 On the Calibration of a Size-Structured Population Model from Experimental Data
A647/2009 Numerical Solution of an Inverse Problem in Size-Structured Population Dynamics
A648/2009 Multiplicative forms at the infinitesimal level
A649/2009 Morita equivalence and characteristic classes of star products
A65/2001 On first order optimality conditions for vector optimization
A650/2010 On the maximal monotonicity of diagonal subdiffferential operators
A651/2010 Full convergence of an approximate projections method for nonsmooth variational inequalities
A652/2010 An inexact modified subgradient algorithm for primal-dual problems via augmented Lagrangians
A653/2010 Strong duality and exact penalization for general augmented lagrangians
A654/2010 A proximal point method in nonreflexive Banach spaces
A655/2010 Z^d-actions with prescribed topological and ergodic properties
A657/2010 Fibers of the Baum-Bott map for foliations of degree two on $\\mathbb{P}^2$.
A658/2010 A hybrid method for computing apparent ridges
A659/2010 Sets of exact approximation order by rational numbers III
A66/2001 Inexact versions of proximal point and augmented Lagrangian algorithms in Banach spaces
A660/2010 Fast medial axis transform for planar domains with curved boundaries
A661/2010 The Characteristic variety of a generic foliation
A662/2010 Germs of integrable forms and varieties of minimal degree.
A663/2010 Foliations invariant by rational maps.
A664/2010 Resonance webs of hyperplane arrangements
A665/2010 Axiom A versus Newhouse phenomena for Benedicks-Carleson toy models
A666/2010 Embedded Curves and Foliations
A667/2010 FETI-DP for Stokes-Mortar-Darcy Systems
A668/2010 Technical Tools for Boundary Layers and Applications to Heterogeneous Coefficients
A669/2010 FETI-DP method for DG discretization of elliptic problems with discontinuous coefficients
A67/2001 Iterative algorithms for equilibrium problems
A670/2010 Additive average Schwarz methods for discretization of elliptic problems with highly discontinuous coefficients
A671/2010 In nite ergodic theory and Non-extensive entropies.
A672/2010 Regularity results for semimonotone operators
A673/2010 Homogenization of Degenerate Porous Medium Type Equations in Ergodic Algebras
A674/2010 Weak convergence on Douglas-Rachford method
A675/2010 Semismooth SQP method for equality-constrained optimization problems with an application to the lifted reformulation of mathematical programs with complementarity constraints
A676/2010 Pricing rules and Arrow Debreu ambiguous valuation
A677/2010 Local convergence of exact and inexact augmented Lagrangian methods under the second-order sufficient optimality condition
A678/2010 On a tower of Ihara and its limit
A679/2010 Learning Div-Free and Curl-Free Vector Fields by Matrix-Valued Kernels
A68/2001 New existence results for equilibrium problems
A680/2010 Essential hyperbolicity and homoclinic bifurcations: a dichotomy phenomenon/mechanism for diffeomorphisms
A681/2010 Geodesic conic subdivision curves on surfaces
A684/2010 Numerical schemes for the long-term simulation of SDE\s with additive noise and their effectiveness in the integration of a stochastic oscillator
A685/2010 Real Option Valuation with Uncertain Costs
A686/2010 A Structured Population Model of Cell Di erentiation
A688/2011 A strongly convergent method for nonsmooth convex minimization in Hilbert spaces
A689/2011 Homogenization of Degenerate Porous Medium Type Equations in Ergodic Algebras
A69/2001 On the Topology of Foliations with a First Integral
A690/2011 $L^\\infty$ solutions for a model of non-isothermal polytropic gas flow
A691/2011 Yet another proof of Marstrand\s Theorem
A692/2011 Regularity results for the ordinary product stochastic pressure equation
A693/2011 The Josephy--Newton method for semismooth generalized equations and semismooth SQP for optimization
A694/2011 A note on upper Lipschitz stability, error bounds, and critical multipliers for Lipschitz-continuous KKT systems
A695/2011 Robust Parameter-Free Multilevel Methods for Neumann Boundary Control Problems
A696/2011 Korpelevich\s method for variational inequalities in Banach spaces
A697/2011 The effect of calmness on the solution set of systems of nonlienar equaltions
A698/2011 Augmented Lagrangian methods applied to optimization problems with degenerate constraints, including problems with complementarity constraints
A699/2011 Motzkin decomposition of closed convex sets via truncation
A70/2001 On Deformation of Foliations with a Center in the Projective Space
A700/2011 Beam casting implicit surfaces on the GPU with interval arithmetic
A701/2011 Curves of zero self-intersection and foliations
A702/2011 On diagonal subdifferential operators in nonreflexive Banach spaces
A703/2011 A non-type (D) operator in c_0
A704/2011 The marginal tariff approach without single-crossing
A705/2011 Degree Theory for Immersed Hypersurfaces
A706/2011 A Class of Dantzig-Wolfe Type Decomposition Methods for Variational Inequality Problems
A707/2011 Projections onto convex sets on the sphere
A708/2011 Fixed point methods for a certain class of operators
A709/2012 Towers of Function Fields over Non-prime Finite Fields
A71/2001 On the Module of Relatively Exact 1-Forms
A710/2012 Curves over Finite Fields
A710/2012 Curves over Finite Fields
A715/2012 Fejer-convergent algorithms which accept summable errors, approximated resolvents and the Hybrid Proximal-Extragradient method
A716/2012 Partially hyperbolic geodesic flows
A717/2012 The Evolutionary Robustness of Forgiveness and Cooperation
A718/2012 Resonance in low-temperature oxidation waves for porous media
A719/2012 Sombras realistas em realidade aumentada móvel
A72/2001 Asymptotic behavior of a tagged particle in simple exclusion processes
A720/2012 Approximating implicit curves on triangulations with affine arithmetic
A721/2012 Images of Julia sets that you can trust
A722/2012 ChoreoGraphics: An Authoring Environment for Dance Shows
A723/2012 An Adaptive Multiresolution Mesh Representation for CPU-GPU Coupled Computation
A724/2012 Three-dimensional vorticity configurations in miscible Hele-Shaw displacements
A725/2012 Order preserving and order reversing operators on the class of convex functions in Banach spaces
A726/2012 On error bounds and Newton-type methods for generalized Nash equilibrium problems
A727/2013 An image-space algorithm for immersive views in 3-manifolds and orbifolds
A728/2013 The exact penalty map for nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization
A729/2013 A Levenberg-Marquardt method with approximate projections
A73/2001 Convergence to equilibrium of conservative particle systems on $\\bb Z^d$
A730/2013 On the symmetric quadratic eigenvalue complementarity problem
A731/2013 Upper sign-continuity for equilibrium problems
A732/2013 Modeling Sound in 3-Orbifolds
A733/2013 Convex Regularization of Local Volatility Estimation in a Discrete Setting
A734/2013 Interior Hybrid Proximal Extragradient Methods for the Linear Monotone Complementarity Problem.
A735/2013 An $\\mathcal{O}(1/k^{3/2})$ Hybrid Proximal Extragradient Primal-Dual interior point method for non-linear monotone complementarity problems
A736/2013 A hybrid proximal extragradient self-concordant primal barrier method for monotone variational inequalities
A737/2013 Some composite-step constrained optimization methods interpreted via the perturbed sequential quadratic programming framework
A738/2013 Interior Hybrid Proximal Extragradient Methods for the Linear Monotone Complementarity Problem
A739/2013 Concenpts and techniques of optimimization on the sphere
A74/2001 Fluctuations in Stationary non Equilibrium States ofIrreversible Processes
A740/2013 Motzkin predecomposable sets
A741/2013 Galois Towers over Non-prime Finite Fields
A742/2013 An Improvement of the Gilbert-Varshamov Bound over Non-prime Fields
A743/2013 A Singularly Perturbed HIV Model with Treatment and Antigenic Variation
A744/2014 An O(1/k^{3/2}) Hybrid Proximal Extragradient Primal-Dual interior point method for non-linear monotone complementarity problems
A745/2014 Galois Towers over Non-prime Finite Fields
A746/2014 An Improvement of the Gilbert-Varshamov Bound over Non-prime Fields
A747/2014 Spliting methods for finding zeroes of sums of maximal monotone operators in Banach spaces
A748/2014 Concepts and techniques of optimization on the sphere
A749/2014 Motzkin pre-decomposable sets
A75/2001 Spectral gap and logarithmic Sobolev inequality forunbounded conservative spin systems
A750/2014 On the quadratic eigenvalue complementarity problem
A751/2014 Existence results for quasi-equilibrium problems
A752/2014 Globalizing stabilized sequential quadratic programming method by smooth primal-dual exact penalty function
A753/2014 Optimized Quasi-Interpolators for Image Reconstruction
A754/2014 Combining stabilized SQP with the augmented Lagrangian algorithm
A755/2014 Darboux-Halphen-Ramanujan Vector Field on a Moduli of Calabi-Yau Manifolds
A756/2015 Germs of complex two dimensional foliations
A757/2015 Introduction to the Minimal Model Program in Algebraic Geometry
A758/2015 Order preserving and order reversing operators on the class of convex functions in Banach spaces
A759/2015 A proximal method with logarithmic barrier for nonlinear complementarity problems
A76/2001 Symmetric Simple Exclusion Process: Regularity of the Self diffusion coefficient
A760/2015 Approximate projection methods for monotone stochastic variational inequalities
A761/2015 On Conic Eigenvalue Complementarity Problems
A762/2015 On the Numerical Solution of the Quadratic Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem
A763/2015 The Second-Order Cone Quadratic Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem
A764/2015 A bound for the norms of Tikhonov-regularized solutions and Levenberg-Marquardt steps
A765/2015 A bound for the norms of Tikhonov-regularized solutions and Levenberg-Marquardt steps
A766/2015 Complexity of the relaxed Hybrid Proximal-Extragradient method under the large-step condition
A767/2015 Fluid Simulation and Generating Textures with Reaction-Diffusion Systems on Surfaces in the GPU
A768/2015 Diffusion Methods for Classification with Pairwise Relationships
A769/2015 Feuilletages holomorphes de codimension 1: Une étude Locale dans le cas dicritique
A77/2001 Unique Continuation Principles for the Benjamin-Ono Equation
A770/2015 Teste
A771/2015 teste
A772/2015 Data driven recovery of local volatility surfaces
A773/2016 Automatic reconstruction of ancient Portuguese tile panels
A774/2016 On OM-decomposable sets
A775/2016 Second order assymptotic functions and applications to quadratic programming
A776/2016 Extragradient method with variance reduction for pseudo-monotone stochastic variational inequalities
A777/2016 Variance-based stochastic extragradient methods with linear search for stochastic variational inequalities
A778/2016 The effect of carbon dioxide in oil recovery from calcite reservoirs. Part I.
A779/2017 Analysis of regularization by conjugation for bounded linear operators
A78/2001 Scaling, stability and singularities for nonlinear, dispersive wave equations: the critical case
A780/2017 Visual Representations for Improvement of Music Understanding
A781/2017 Complex Germen on invariant isotropic tori under the Hamiltonian phases flow with in involution Hamilton functions
A782/2018 Bidimensional Adverse Selection: Analytical and Numerical Solutions
A783/2018 Metric in the moduli of SU(2) monopoles from spectral curves and Gauss-Manin connection in disguise.
A784/2018 A Simple and Complete Discrete Exterior Calculus on General Polygonal Meshes
A785/2018 Positivity and algebraic integrability of holomorphic foliations
A786/2018 Multiplier Stabilization Applied to Two-Stage Stochastic Programs
A787/2018 Multiplier Stabilization Applied to Two-Stage Stochastic Programs
A788/2018 Multiplier Stabilization Applied to Two-Stage Stochastic Programs
A789/2019 On the Cauchy Problem Associated to the Brinkman Flow in R3+
A79/2001 Interval computation of Viswanath\s constant
A8/2005 Isometric immersions into 3-dimensional homogeneous spaces
A8/2005 Isometric immersions into 3-dimensional homogeneous spaces
A80/2001 On the value function for control problems with infinite horizon
A81/2001 Implicit Lagrangian
A82/2001 On the relation between bundle methods for maximal monotone inclusions and hybrid proximal point algorithms
A83/2001 Optimality conditions for irregular inequality-constrained problems
A84/2001 The theory of 2-regularity for mappings with Lipschitzian derivatives and its applications to optimality conditions
A85/2001 Bundle methods in stochastic optimal power management: a disaggregated approach using preconditioners
A86/2001 Dynamical adjustment of the prox-parameter in bundle methods
A87/2001 Proximal Points are on the Fast Track
A88/2001 Quasisymmetric robustness of the Collet-Eckmann condition in the quadratic family
A89/2001 Statistical properties of unimodal maps:smooth families with negative Schwarzian derivative
A90/2001 Statistical properties of unimodal maps:the quadratic family
A91/2001 The effective behaviour of linear and nonlinear waves in irregular channels
A92/2001 On the accuracy of the estimated policy function using the Bellman contraction method
A92/2011 Suboptimal Deterministic Contracts: Examples.
A92/2011 Suboptimal Deterministic Contracts: Examples.
A93/2001 On Curves with many rational points over Finite Fields
A94/2001 Maximal monotone operators, convex functions and a special family of enlargements
A95/2001 Commuting Codazzi tensors and the Ribaucour transformation for submanifolds
A96/2001 A gap theorem for hypersurfaces of the sphere with constant scalar curvature one
A97/2001 On the duals of Segre varieties
A98/2001 On Huygens\ Principle for Dirac Operators Associated to Electromagnetic Fields
A99/2001 Generic Robustness of Spectral Decompositions
D124/2015 Projective acceleration of the nonlinear Landweber method under the tangential cone condition