Preprint D86/2011
Lectures on sectional-Anosov flows
C. Morales | Bautista, S.
Keywords: Anosov Flow | Sectional-Anosov Flow | Vector Field
This work focuses on {\em sectional-Anosov flows}, i.e., vector fields exhibiting a dominated splitting on the maximal invariant set formed by a contracting subbundle and a subbundle where the flow's derivative {\em expands the area of parallelograms}. Indeed, we expose several aspects of the theory of sectional-Anosov flows developed by the authors during the first decate of the twenty one century. The exposition is done in a way to put together both Anosov and sectional-Anosov flows in the same context. Aspects of the theory of Anosov flows are then included for the sake of completeness.
