Preprint E6/2007
Robust fast recovery of the filtration function for flow of water with particles in porous media
Pavel Bedrikovetsky | Cruz, Amaury A. | Hime, Gustavo | Marchesin, Dan
Keywords: Inverse problem | Formation damage | Deep bed filtration | Iterative functional equation | System of convection-reaction equations
Models for deep bed filtration during the injection of sea water with solid inclusions depend on an empirical filtration function that represents the rate of particle retention. This function must be calculated indirectly from experimental measurements of other quantities. The practical petroleum engineering purpose is to predict injectivity loss in the porous rock around wells. This phenomenon is studied in laboratory injection tests, where the effluent particle concentration is measured over time. We presented in a previous work a method for determining the filtration function from these measurements. In this work, we improve on this method introducing a data preprocessing technique which makes the algorithm robust. We present numerical results of the improved method with data which could not be treated before.
